Stoic Week for Students 2023
Your Instructor
Brittany Polat is a writer and researcher on Stoicism as a way of life. She is the creator of Living in Agreement, a website on Stoic moral psychology, and co-creator of Stoicare, an online hub for teachers, parents, medical professionals, and all Stoics who care. In 2021 she was co-organizer of the historic first conference on women and Stoicism. Brittany holds a Ph.D. in applied linguistics with a focus on individual differences in second language development. Her latest book is Tranquility Parenting: A Guide to Staying Calm, Mindful, and Engaged.
Eve a Stoicism based mentor and coach. She is an advisor to the Aurelius Foundation, and also runs the online group, London Stoics. Eve is the co-creator of Stoicare with Brittany Polat. Eve also works as an employment consultant, supporting autistic adults and teens. Eve is registered blind / severely sight impaired and credits Stoic teaching with being able to live well with disability.
Amy Valladares discovered ancient Stoic philosophy as a freshman in college, and then rediscovered it during a midlife crisis. She credits her “natural Stoicism” to the “school of hard knocks,” getting her through some tough times. Amy’s anthropology training has lead her to self-study the ancient sources, take part in modern community-building and create a personal Stoic practice. She co-organized the Stoicons in New York (2016), Toronto (2017), London (2018) and Athens (2019). As a teacher of middle and high school students, she has stealthily incorporated ideas of Stoic philosophy into classes about everyday life.